Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Hunter - by John Lescroart

I don't know if I've posted this before or not, but John Lescroart is one of my absolute favorite authors. If you like John Grisham, you'll like John Lescroart even better. Lescroart (pronounced "less-kwah") uses the same characters throughout his novels, so you really grow to care about them. He's got between 15 and 20 novels total, that all feature the same recurring characters. The original books (the first 12 or so), featured two main characters, Dismas Hardy (defense attorney), and Abe Glitzky (homocide detective). These two were best friends, which made for some interesting dynamics in the various cases they dealt with.

The latest few books focus on a different character, Wyatt Hunt. Hunt is a private detective, whose agency is known as the "Hunt Club". He frequently does work for Hardy, and has several interactions with Glitzky's investigators. So, you still see some of the old characters showing up now and then. The last couple of books focusing on Hunt were a little "off the mark" for the way Lescroart had written his previous novels. (Still good, just something seemed to be "missing"...if you knowhutamean.) However, this latest one returns to the quality of the previous books. He must have figured out what was missing.

In this one, Hunt (who was adopted as a child, after his mother died), learns that his birth-mother may not have just died, but been murdered. This sets him on a quest to solve the 30-year-old murder, which was never actually solved by the police at the time it happened. Lots of good scenes...again, if you're into attorney/detective novels, this series is a great one to try.

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