Thursday, October 13, 2011

No Rest for the Dead

This one was hyped pretty highly. Even the book itself has a whole bunch of awesome reviews. Basically, the premise is they got 26 different famous mystery or thriller writers to come together and write a book together. The story takes place in San Francisco, and revolves around the death of a museum curator and his wife's later execution after being found guilty of the murder.

The introduction of the book makes it seem like there was going to be a big surprise ending at the end of the book, that you wouldn't be able to figure out until the end. The introducer even comments on the fact that a good mystery keeps you guessing until the end - without letting you figure out the plot resolution before you get there. However, they failed to do it here. Without letting you know too much, I still had at least 100 pages to go when I'd figured out what happened (or, at least, had a pretty good idea, that later proved to be right). While a few of the writers who were involved are good writers, that I've read alot (John Lescroart and Jeffrey Deaver particularly - almost anything from those two is very good!), there were many others that I'd heard of, but not really read much from. While the book itself didn't necessarily impress me - there were individual chapters from these individual authors that I did find very well-done. I may look up other books by those authors to see how their entire writing is.

Anyway - the story here is a good one, and the book was an interesting concept. I just figured out the conclusion to early to make it a 5-star for me. Probably more like 3.5.

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