Monday, July 18, 2011

So Cold the River

This was a new thriller off of the Amazon 2010 list. I'd never heard of this author before, but the book sounded interesting, so I started with it. The main character, Eric Shaw, is a film-maker who specializes in wedding and funeral videos. He gets hired to do a life sketch for a dying man in Chicago, by returning to the man's childhood home, and investigating his background. Along the way, Shaw meets and discovers all kinds of interesting and spooky things about the town, the history, and a certain bit of evil that he unwittingly brings with him to the valley.

What I like best in thrillers (I may have said this before - if so, sorry!), is an interesting story, and writing that keeps you engaged. I have trouble with authors who continually use the same genre and story over and over again, just tweaking the characters and the stories. If you're writing a thriller, I like it to be something unique and creative. This book is definitely that - the main instigator of the evil is a 100-year old bottle of water, and the water around the village.

Further, the book keep you going. The characters are interesting - you learn just enough about most of them to care about what happens (or enough to hope the bad guys get what's coming to them). I read this over a weekend, and recommend both it and any of the other books by this same author.

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